Become a SKILLED Social Dancer!
Start Your Adventure with Dancing
or Improve your skills to become
an Advanced dancer
Want to learn how to dance with a partner and be really good at it?
Do you want to enjoy yourself more with others on the dance floor?
Do you plan to travel and would like to dance with the Best in the world?
1on1 classes with a teacher will give you complete information for your level
so you can progress faster and become a confident social dancer in no time!
Book Taster session to get started!
This 1 hour session will help us to understand better level you are at as well as what you are looking to achieve in your dancing and how quickly. We will run a lesson for you adjusted to your level to give you an idea of how we teach before you can commit yourself to a dance program with us.
You can enrol for one of ATD Privates Program as well as combine them with groups, workshops, socials to develop social dance skills and gain muscle memory faster. All designed to help to gain more comfort and enjoyment from dancing in fastest time possible!
Book private classes at any suitable for you days and times
during the week or weekend.
Get your head around music - change your mind & get in love with movement!
Contact us today to get started!
Openning Hours:
Monday to Sunday 3-10pm